
Welcome to Evergreen Elementary
Evergreen Elementary - The Eagle's Nest
Highlighted Monthly Themed Library Books
Evergreen Elementary Library
Project Cornerstone is a Key Component of Social/Emotional Support
Project Cornerstone
20 Year Plus Tradition...Spring Basketball League
Students playing basketball
We are the Roots!
Group wearing Evergreen Elementary T-Shirts


Soaring into the future - one student at a time


In collaboration with all vested members of our school community, we consistently work to achieve academic excellence for all students, celebrate and appreciate our students’ diversity, promote a positive school climate, and maintain an emotionally, intellectually, socially, and physically safe school environment.

Learn More About Evergreen Elementary

California Distinguished School Logo
A California Distinguished School

What's Happening Now


TK Enrollment

Starting in the 2025-26 school year, all children who turn four years old on or before September 1, 2025 are eligible to enroll in Transitional Kindergarten (TK). This expansion of TK aims to provide all young learners with a strong foundation for academic success. TK offers a developmentally appropriate learning environment where children can explore their curiosity, build social-emotional skills, and develop a love of learning. Click headline to learn more about enrollment.

Read More about Transitional Kindergarten

Upcoming Events

ESD Wellness Spotlight

For mental health, wellness and community resources, visit ESD's Mental Health & Wellness CONNECTIONS website at wellness.eesd.org.